About Wesdian
We at Wesdian offer the high quality apparels using the best quality fabric available. Our fabricators are highly trained, you can tell by the fitting. This T-shirt is made using the Bio-washed and Silicon washed fabric. We opted for double stitching method which gives higher strength and richer look. Our fitting is specifically for our Indian customers. That means, this t-shirt is going to fit you just like you wanted. Give it a try, its worth it. Your wardrobe will love it. It's Wesdian, Fashion & Beyond.

We have selected the fabric that adds value to your closet. The fabric we use is Premium Cotton for amazing comfort and premium look look.

We use enzyme bio-washing technique to make your product surface smoother and comfortable.

We have developed our size chart after thorrow research and survey, that fits ideally and make you look elegant and stylish.